Made for Ukrainians

Today, the official presentation of the MANUFACTURERS CATALOG “Ukrainian Equipment for Communities” took place. The project aims to popularize Ukrainian equipment and vehicles among domestic buyers, provide customers with information about existing Ukrainian manufacturers of community equipment, and promote the increase in demand for products made in Ukraine.

The President of the Ukravtotrans Federation, Ihor Shkiry, expressed gratitude to the event organizers and discussed the issue of violating the Localization Law during tenders with the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Yuliya Svyrydenko.

LLC “Kyiv Machine-Building Plant” actively participated in the “Made in Ukraine” event. In particular, the KMZ 25-40 crane was presented. Interested entrepreneurs received consultations from our plant specialists and had the opportunity to be convinced that Ukrainian cranes are not inferior in quality to imported counterparts. The entire range of KMZ equipment is presented in the national catalog “Ukrainian Equipment for Communities.”

The initiative was implemented by the Federation of Employers of Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the Office of People’s Deputy Dmytro Kysylevskyi within the framework of the “Made in Ukraine” policy and with the participation of domestic manufacturers.

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